We are recruiting graduate students and postdocs! Email Peter Kner if you are interested.
"On these observations I have spent more time
than many will believe, but I have done them
with joy."
---- 1701, Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek
The AIL, led by Dr. Peter Kner, specializes in developing cutting-edge techniques to enhance the resolution of three-dimensional fluorescence imaging. Our primary focus is on integrating various super-resolution methods, such as structured illumination and STORM, with adaptive optics. This synergy allows us to achieve sub-diffraction resolution in model organisms, notably C. elegans and zebrafish.

Lab News
We Are Recruiting!

November 2024
Tianyi's paper is out!!
Very excited that Tianyi's paper Spatial polarimetric second harmonic generation evaluation of collagen in a hypophosphatasia mouse model is out in BOE. Congrats to the Mortensent Lab!

November 2024
Congratulations Dr. Li!!
Shao successfully defended her thesis!

August 2024
Cancer Moonshot
We are excited to be part of the ARPA-H funded $23 million project. MAGIC-SCAN. This project is part of the Biden White House Cancer Moonshot being introduced at Tulane by President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. We are recruiting postdocs to work on this project.

May 2024
REU Student Poster
Congratulations to Ashley for successfully presenting her poster at the REU Student Symposium!